Skin cancer
In the Netherlands skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. There are several forms of skin cancer.
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer. In addition, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma are other known forms of skin cancer. The chance of developing skin cancer during your life is about 1 in 6. In basal cell carcinoma, the cells in the top layer of the skin are affected. Sun damage causes irreparable damage , causing skin cancer. In most cases, skin cancer can be treated well with skin cancer surgery. Treatment BCC with Mohs surgery is often used for BCC on the face.
Basal cell carcinoma
BCC can occur anywhere on the skin, but is mainly on sun-exposed skin, such as the face. It can look in different ways. For example, it is sometimes a flat red scaly spot, which can make it look like an eczema spot. It can also be a shiny bump. Sometimes it is very difficult to see and you only see subtle color and structure changes in the skin and it is difficult to distinguish from normal skin. In the beginning, a basal cell carcinoma is not noticeable when it is still small. Only when it gets a bit bigger does it start to stand out, or when a crust develops or when the area bleeds easily. If suspected
basal cell carcinoma, it is wise to go to the doctor.
Treatment BCC with Mohs surgery
Basal cell carcinoma of the face is usually treated by cutting it away. This is the best treatment for it. If it concerns a small lesion in a non-troublesome area, it can simply be cut away with a strip of healthy skin around it and the wound closed immediately. The tissue that has been removed will still be sent for examination. The result or the skin cancer is completely gone will follow within 1 to 2 weeks.
Treatment BCC with Mohs surgery is preferred if it concerns a basal cell carcinoma that is larger or somewhat larger, has a more aggressive growth habit or is in a difficult place.
Indication Mohs surgery
Treatment BCC with Mohs surgery is reimbursed by the health insurer if it meets certain requirements / conditions. This applies to tumors on and around the nose, eyelids, lips and ears. This is also called the H zone. In addition, the size and growth habit (for example spiky) also play a role. A basal cell carcinoma that has come back after previous treatment (a relapse) or one that has not been completely removed with normal surgery (irradically removed) is also eligible for Mohs surgery.
Mohs surgery in the Roosevelt kliniek
Treatment BCC with Mohs surgery is performed at the Roosevelt clinic. This treatment is performed in day treatment and under local anesthesia. More detailed information on how the Mohs treatment works and a patient leaflet can be found on this page.
Our doctors are certified Mohs surgeon and work according to the applicable guidelines. They specialize in skin cancer and skin cancer surgery. A number of them are also affiliated with the LUMC’s skin cancer center. In the Roosevelt clinic you will receive the best care without having to go to hospital.